I generally avoid blogspats, but I'm going to weigh in on one here.
Not that he needs what little help I can give, but I'm going to stand up here for Stacy McCain of The Other McCain against the charge of "white supremacist" that has been leveled at him. I've been reading his blog for, I don't know for sure, almost a year? During that time I have not read a single post that could remotely be construed as racist or white supremacist. I also remember reading some of his stuff from his Washington Times days, and again, nothing like that comes to mind. I think I would remember that, as I have a long memory when it comes to isms, particularly racism, fascism, and communism. The same goes for his co-blogger, Smitty. You can read McCain's own defense at those links above.
I have mostly conservatives on my blogroll, some libertarians, at least one liberal, and plenty of all of the above who can accurately be described as complicated or a mix. I'm certain that at one point or another I've disagreed with all of them on some issue or another, including McCain. Some more than others. There's not one though, who can be described as a white supremacist without twisting that word into being meaningless.
I think I added The Other McCain about the same time I dropped little green footballs. That was a few months ago and well before this fight. LGF was one of my original blogroll links from five years ago, but I had found myself going there less and less the last year or so. Basically, going there had made me increasingly uncomfortable for several reasons I see no need to go into, and not in a stretch your mind in a good sort of way uncomfortable.
I give people a pretty wide latitude when it comes to style and political opinion and still will be willing to read their site. I can see how Stacy McCain's style is not some people's cup of tea. So don't read him for that reason if you are so inclined. It's a free country. But I say don't avoid him because of these racism and white supremacist charges, because I just don't see it, and have never seen it coming from Stacy McCain. Citing second and third hand links to distortions and falsehoods aren't going to change that, so he stays there on the sidebar to the right. It's not much, but that's it, and that's my statement.
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