Desmond made me crabby yesterday, so I'll swing the pendulum to some more lighthearted fare this morning.
I heard this on the radio yesterday while heading home:
Never say a harsh word about a man until you have walked a mile in his shoes.
By then he'll be a mile away and you'll have his shoes.
That was attributed to Ronald Reagan, but I see that Jack Handey is also credited on the internet. Whatever, it cracked me up.
Stacy McCain has what will likely be the line of the day today:
Ted Rall's disappointment in President Obama is so great that he is asking for him to resign. This amuses me, and if you don't know why, you don't know Ted Rall.
James Lileks:
One of those things best left without too much discussion. Sammy the Wonder Dog would also heed the siren call of the porcelain goddess if left unchecked. Why dogs will pass by a perfectly good water dish to drink out of the toilet I don't know. I'm pretty sure I don't want to know and therefore I will think about it no more.
Another gorgeous day here in the Twin Cities, though we could use some rain. Off to the gardening...
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