Well, I too would like to know what really happened here, even if the White House Press Corps doesn't seem to care:
I don't care what party they belong to, no administration should feel comfortable doing that, if in fact they did. Whatever happened to "Truth to Power"?
The Twins had a tough series to watch against KC this past weekend. I was thoroughly enjoying a six-inning no hitter by Scott Baker yesterday until he completely collapsed in the seventh and gave up five straight hits. The night before it was four walks in the eleventh that did in the Twins. Painful stuff. I thought my eyes were going to start bleeding Saturday night and again yesterday when Baker's relief allowed four more runs to score. Not a good weekend for the Twins middle relievers. On the upside, Joe Mauer returned with a bang, going 7-10 including a home run in his first plate appearance. Good to have you back, Joe.
This just in from the crock-o-shit department:
Oh bullshit. If you carefully watch the report from Al Jazeera's James Bay he shows no evidence that any proselytizing to Afghans actually occurred. No evidence that bibles were actually distributed. In fact, the military says that they were not, and until I see actual evidence to the contrary I believe them. I also believe that the quotes were indeed taken out of context and that when soldiers were told to spread the faith that would be, shock of shocks, among their fellow soldiers, not Afghans.
This is just a bunch of distorted facts that can do nothing but inflame people, wrongly, against the US and the sort of thing that gets people killed. James Bay has just proved to me that he is not a credible reporter, he's a scumbag. And Jeremy Scahill and all of the lefties lapping up this crap instead of turning their brains on are tools and scumbags too.
More: I know I shouldn't name call, but I get so damn angry about the type of shoddy(if not outright enemy propaganda) journalism noted above, and just as angry at the people who so uncritically accept it at face value. At best it is careless, at worst it is deliberately deceitful. And there may be very real consequences to our troops and allies in Afghanistan and around the world. That should be obvious to anyone since the Koran flushing nonsense of 2005. When people obviously don't give a shit about that and fail to exercise even a little skepticism before passing on potentially inflammatory stories like that one, well yeah, that kind of does make them a tool as far as I'm concerned, and pretty much a scumbag too.
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